Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Terry McAuliffe

Re: The Virginia elections - 2013 - Governor. This is interesting: I'm so glad Terry McAuliffe won! I know him very well. He was a regular customer of mine when I worked at the Oval Room Restaurant, Washington, DC, and he was working at the White House for Clinton. He would periodically come in about 6pm, after he left the White House, with other people who worked with him at the WH. He always called me ahead of time and ask for a few Amstel Lights to be put on ice. One time I left work early, and Terry was leaving the same time. He asked me where I was going, and I said I was getting a cab to the Childe Harold, up at Dupont Circle, to meet a few friends for a few beers. He told me he would give me a ride, which he did, and I asked him to come in with me, but he declined. Now, after he's done being governor, he may run for President. This is great: if he ever becomes President, then I can say the President of the U.S. once gave me a ride to a bar! What a story that would be! When he came into the Oval Room bar, Clinton would call him a lot on his cell phone. When the President called him, he would get up and walk over to the corner and say: "Yessir, Mr. President?" He would never sit while talking to Clinton. What a class act he is! You don't hear stories like this in Oshkosh, Wisconsin! Terry is such a nice guy, very, very polite, and a gentleman. He wrote a book a few years ago, and I went to his reading and signing at Barnes and Noble in Bethesda, Maryland. His book was "What A Party!" He inscribed it to me: "To Nick Wineriter, the greatest bartender in DC. Terry McAuliffe." He gave a great talk at the bookstore. He said about the war in Iraq, that if we took the money that the war is costing this country, that money would buy health care for every living American. He got a standing ovation when he said that. I'm so glad he won! I hope he runs for President someday.



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